Unit 4: Phygital Heritage: Design, Interaction, and Evaluation
This unit presents how heritage information can be communicated to visitors in more engaging, educational and meaningful ways. The approach of “Phygital Heritage” is introduced, which entails how heritage information can be disclosed via simultaneous and integrated physical and digital means. The unit consists of three lessons; the first lesson introduces the approach of phygital with a detailed argumentation about why this approach is promising in the field of heritage communication, ended with a proposed model of phygital heritage. The second lesson presents four scenarios (i.e. in-the-wild studies), in which interactive phygital prototypes were designed and deployed in real-world heritage and museum environments to explore how the seamless integration of digital technology into physical reality facilitates the communication of built heritage. The third lesson focuses on the evaluation of phygital heritage, deploying a mixed-methods evaluation methodology in order to assess the communication of heritage information and user engagement, concluded by an evaluation framework of phygital heritage.