Videos submitted to be considered should address one or more of the following themes:
Videos should introduce a new or existing theory and/or hypothesis presenting the author’s viewpoint and interpretation of the theory/ hypothesis in relation to existing Digital Humanities work. These videos can also explain DH terms by providing relevant examples.
Videos should present an established or emerging technology, method, and/or software in Digital Humanities demonstrating its significance to DH practitioners. Protocols of application and any limitations of the methods may also be included.
Videos should present a Digital Humanities project that demonstrates its value to the discipline and its connection to DH traditions or emerging fields of research and practice. Videos that solely focus on a project without situating it in a broader theoretical and/or methodological traditions will not be accepted.
Videos should present a reflection on the realities of teaching Digital Humanities at both an undergraduate and postgraduate level (including PhD), discussing the problems and perspectives of different approaches, personal experiences, and best practices. Videos that solely focus on Digital Humanities Centres without presenting a critical approach to DH pedagogy will not be accepted.
Video Topics
#dariahTeach welcomes videos addressing one or more of the topics below. These topics were identified by a survey 'What's hot in DH' through the All Our Ideas platform in which respondents decided between two randomly chosen topics from the initial list (based on keywords used to tag papers at the annual DH conference), or could suggest a topic of their own.
- visualisation
- linked data
- network analysis
- crowdsourcing
- open access
- open humanities
- data mining
- digital editions
- virtual research environments
- data modelling
- digital history
- big data
- digital preservation
- gamification
- social media
- digital curation
- Augmented Reality
Video Types
Videos should be between three (3) and seven (7) minutes long (shorter or longer videos will be considered on a case by case basis) in one or more of the following video types:
- Talking Head
- Presentation Slides with Voice-Over
- Screencast
- Animation
- Classroom Lecture
- Recorded Seminar
- Interview
- Conversation
- Webcam Capture
- Demonstration
- Green Screen
Videos submitted for consideration can employ a combination of the above types. Also, videos in a type not included in the list will also be considered for publication.
Technical Specifications
Videos should be in Full High Definition (1920X1080) or Standard High Definition (1280×720) with an aspect ratio of 4:3 or 16:9 preferably in MP4 format (Codec H264). Old footage, not in High Definition, can be included if it serves the narrative. Blurry and pixelated images or any content of no sufficient audio-visual quality should be avoided by all means. All voices should be audible and understandable. Shooting in places with echo and excessive background noise should also be avoided. If you have little experience with setting-up a camera, lights, and sound levels check the files below.
Videos should include at least a title (edited in the video), the names and affiliations of each speaker appearing for 4 seconds when they start speaking, and credits at the end of the video, naming the speakers featured and the people who contributed to the production and editing of the video. Contributors should also consider placing the logo(s) of their institutions or of any other organisations related to the submitted video. Credits can also acknowledge the work of other people, include links to project websites and logos of/thanks to funding bodies. Videos should also include the #dariahTeach ident at the beginning and at the end (see below).
Authors can submit a transcript of the narration in a .doc or .txt file. This is not compulsory but it would help #dariahTeach and other contributors to create subtitles and translate the content in other languages. When creating a transcript file please follow the formatting tips below:
- Leave a blank line between different captions, e.g. when different people speak
- Add any background sound in [square brackets], e.g. [music]
- To indicate a different speaker add >>. For example, >>Prof Smith: I think that DH...
#dariahTeach Ident
All submitted videos should include the #dariahTeach Ident at the beginning and at the end. Therefore, you will be required to import two video clips into your timeline: the ‘top’ and the ‘tail’. As the names suggest, the top goes before your main video and the tail goes at the end of your video. The logos of your institution or the names of the speakers and/or other contributors should go after your video but before the ‘tail’. The duration of each additional screen should not be more than 3 seconds. The #dariahTeach Ident files are available below.
All submitted videos should include the name of each speaker and his/her affiliation at the bottom right or left corner the first time they speak. At the end, videos should include a list of the speakers featured as well as the names of the people who contributed in the production and editing of the video. They can also include logos of the institutions/funding bodies involved and any other visual or textual material that is deemed necessary for giving credit or providing further information to the viewers (links, copyright notice etc.). For examples, see the videos that are already available online as part of this module.
Copyright Clearance
#dariahTeach will accept no liability for any video that includes copyright protected content, including but not limited to images, sounds, and music. It is the sole responsibility of the contributor(s) to ensure that there is no copyright infringement. #dariahTeach may ask for proof of copyright clearance in case the reviewing and advisory Board feels that there is material falling under copyright law.
Creative Commons
Submitted videos will become available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Therefore, anybody could 'Share’ — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; and, ‘Adapt’ — remix, transform, and build upon the material. To find more see:
All video are accompanied by metadata. In the submission form below, contributors should fill in information about the creation and production of the video, the speakers and any other contributors, add scholarly references, and tag the videos using the NeMo Ontology for Scholarly Methods and Formats.
Submission Form
To submit a video follow the link: