Unit I - Digital Greek and Latin Epigraphy
Unit I: Digital Greek and Latin Epigraphy
This unit contains a general overview of some of the most widely used digital tools for the study of Greek and Latin epigraphy. This is followed by an illustration of some ongoing projects, principles and standards in use, and effective teaching methodologies for integrating digital epigraphic teaching into traditional epigraphic teaching.
An entire chapter is dedicated to the illustration of useful tools for producing digital editions of inscriptions: EpiDoc, the most widely used semantic markup language for the digitisation of epigraphic texts, the main controlled vocabularies, prosopographical repertories, geographical gazetteers and image repositories, the most recent technologies for the reconstruction of artefacts and archaeological contexts, and some tools for scientific and public dissemination will be reviewed. An appendix is devoted to the most recent applications of Artificial Intelligence to epigraphic documents.
The unit will be split into the following lessons: