Test 4.3.3 Protégé

Creating an ontology is not easy and knowledge modelling is not easy. On the other hand, the data models used to represent knowledge need to be easy. In this exercise we will try out creating an ontology using Protégé.


Download and install the Protégé desktop app or login to use Web Protégé online.

Step 1. You will design your ontology from scratch, e.g., to model "Books". Pick the representation you want and try to model it. Which Classes do you need? Which Properties to connect them? Which Vocabularies to point to?

Step 2. Check out which resources you already know (FRBR(oo), Wikidata, Dbpedia, VIAF, etc.) and look for existing ontologies. How and what do you align to? Usually, it is better to start from this instead of creating a completely new ontology!